Texting and Your Brain

Texting as a form of communication? Your brain doesn’t like it either.

Our brains are hard-wired for communication. We humans have a need to share our thoughts and feelings with other members of our species, and we have a rich set of tools with which to do this. We can communicate even when we don’t speak the same language, by using visual cues – facial expression, gesture and body language. And when we use spoken language, our meaning is enhanced by auditory cues – tone, inflection, and phrasing. Timing is also important for communication – how quickly or slowly we speak, how long we pause between statements to invite a response from the listener, or before we respond to them. Texting, however, provides no visual, auditory or temporal cues to the meaning of the message. No wonder we feel disconnected from each other when this is our primary form of communication. (But it’s perfect for letting someone know you’re running late!)